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About Us

SD Conmix

Is a trustworthy name for superior quality and high performance ready mix concrete for the last 20+ years. You can build your dream projects on time with premium quality ready mix concrete that lasts long. For details call

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Ontime at services
24/7 hours services
Expert team

Experienced professionals




Projects and Counting


Satisfied Customers

What we offer!

Best quality ready mix concrete

We produce the best quality ready mix concrete specific to the requirements of our clients. Our RMC plants are technologically equipped to handle different mix types to produce multiple grades of concrete manually and automated, as per the specific requirements of the customers ensuring timely delivery.

Premium concrete blocks

At SD commix, we manufacture both solid and hallow concrete blocks of standard size or custom made as per the client specifications.

Reliable & Affordable
The Ready mix concrete is reliable in quality and at an affordable price.
Best in service & quality
Admired by our customers as the best service provider
Technology oriented
Use of advanced tools and techniques
Maintain industry standards
We follow and maintain global standards in the manufacturing process.


